How Game Systems Have Changed Over The Years


Video games have changed a lot over the years. For one thing, the arcade has changed a lot. The old days where people went to the arcade to play some of their favorite games are done. Even the days of video game consoles having inferior ports of arcade games are far behind people. Among the games that many people have played in the arcade that they also had on their consoles was the Street Fighter II series. This was a time that having an arcade perfect port was little more than a pipe dream. This was also during a time when game consoles could only play games.

As game systems progressed, more functions have been added to the game systems. Among the functions that have been added was the ability to listen to music because of CDs. Eventually, people were able to watch movies and surf the net with their game systems. Nowadays, with Xbox One and PS4, game systems are merely computers. Many people use game systems to surf the internet and stream shows. Also, these days, it is not that common to buy CDs of games like it was with the game systems of the 90s. There is also the option of downloading the game.

Also, there was a time when the PC port was the best of all consoles. Nowadays, the game consoles get the best versions of the game. The games on the consoles even surpass that of the arcade machines. Therefore, consoles have taken over the market of video games. Also, the games that are created for the consoles are very lifelike in visuals and have many complex stories and open worlds that are full of missions that people can take part in. While game systems have gotten off to a slow start, they have taken off past other devices.

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